Healthy Drinks Four types of Preparation

   Hi, today four different  types of drinks recipe here. Its so healthy and good for health.. A healthy and delicious milkshakes and drinks rich in protein and iron. Ideal for the hot summer days and for kids who do not prefer plain milk and some juices.

Blood Purifier Drink :-

  • Pomegranate with Beat root juice is very healthy and full of nutrients, when you drink the raw beetroot juice or pomegranate juice. To make it little bit light on your stomach and it also become tastier and healthier.  Beetroot juice has very beautiful red color which purifies the blood and gives you a natural pink glow.
Preparation :-

  • First take a jar add pomegranate seeds 8 spoons, bottle ground pieces 5, Beat root 5 pieces, black grapes 10 to 15. And then grind it smooth. And then add chilled water and then grind for smooth juice. And then serve it cool.........
pomegranate and beet root juice how to prepare
Dates Milk Shake :-

  • Dates or khajoor are well known for their nutritional value, specially as a great source of potassium, vitamins and minerals. To experiment with this dry fruit,  I tried making Khajoor Milkshake and it really turned out to be different and delicious.I made this milkshake by cutting small pieces of khajoor and blended those with cold milk. You could be more experimental and even add some vanilla ice-cream to the shake, specially for the kids. I just loved the Khajoor Milkshake as it is and you could use this recipe to make it for yourself.
Preparation :-

  • First take dates cut it into small pieces and then take a jar add date pieces and grind it fine paste.  Next add honey 2 spoons, chilled milk 2 glass, cardamom  powder and grind it well. And serve it cool.. The Dates Milk Shake is ready to drink..
Dates milk shake recipe how to make
Pine Apple Banana Smoothie :-

  • The best smoothies are made with fresh ripe produce, so I the best sweetest pineapple for this smoothie. 
    In the South, temperatures are rising. After wondering if summer would ever arrive, I think it’s safe to say it is finally here.  When the hot weather rolls in, my desire for cooking with heat leaves.  Instead of hot baked goods, I turn to icy cold treats like this Pineapple Banana Smoothie Recipe that can easily be turned into popsicles too. Its good to health and the kids are really like to have this summer so try this... Pineapple Banana Smoothi....
Preparation :-
  • First take a jar add Pine apple pieces 1/2 cup, Banana pieces 1/2 cup, Honey 2 spoons and grind it  fine paste. And then add chilled milk 2 glasses  and again grind it smoothie.  And put for 2 hours in  freeze, and add some small pine apple pieces, banana pieces. And then serve it cool..
Pineapple smoothie drink how to prepare
 Water Melon Magic :-

  • Watermelon is available in plenty in the markets now. It is packed with vitamins and antioxidants and is also a rich source of fiber. It is fat free and also cholesterol free. So how about a refreshing, healthy and tasty watermelon juice to beat the summer heat!! And I use some orange juice and and mango ice cream to juice for more taste. It is a simple watermelon juice with a cute little twist..
Preparation :-    
  • First take a jar add small bowl of water melon pieces, Orange juice 1 cup, mango ice cream 1 cup, honey 2 spoon, water 1/4 glass and  grind it smooth juice.. And serve it cool.. The magic of water milan drink is ready to sip.......      
WaterMelon Magic juice how to prepare
Try these four drinks in your home..  And Enjoy this summer season... Its really fresh and healthy...                                                          


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