Christmas and New Year Pine Apple Cake Reciepe

Ingredients :- 
  • Maida 200 grams 
  • Sugar powder 200 grams
  • Eggs 4
  • Butter 200 grams
  • Baking powder 2 spoons
  • Vanilla powder 2 spoons
  • Pine apple essence 2 sponos
  • Icing cream for decorate   
Pine Apple Pulp :-

Pine apple pieces 1 cup, sugar 2 sppons add it in jar and grind it fine paste.      

Icing Cream Preparation :-

1) You will need 2 cups of sugar powder, 2 to 3 spoons butter mix it fine paste.
2) Then add 2 spoons of cream / cream milk again mix it.
3)  And then add 1 spoon vanilla essence add again mix it for cream contains. Its came fine good shine cames. And now your icing cream is ready to apply the cake.    

Method :-
  1. First take a bowl beat eggs mix it for 10 mins. 
  2. And then add butter beat the mixer fine paste. Next add sugar powder and again beat for few more mins.
  3. Next add maida and beat it, and now add baking powder, vanilla powder and mix it fine paste. And then add pine apple essence also once mix it well.
  4. Then take a cake box apply butter to the bowl and add cake mixer in that and cook it for. 40 to 45 mins. 
  5. Now the cake cooked move it a side put for rest of mins.
  6. Then cut the cake 2 pieces same size, then spread sugar syrup and add pine apple pulp apply the first layer. Then put next layer set it the spread sugar syrup.
  7. Then apply icing cream all the cake and some pine apple pieces, cherrys, decorate and serve it cool.....
And now your cake is ready to bite........ Yummy and tasty pine apple cake to my friends enjoy... Try this new year or Christmas.... Marry Christmas to all my friends........... Enjoy the festival...


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