Raw Mango Green Fish Fry How to Cook

  Hi, today recipe is "Mango Fish Fry". Simple Fish Fry is an easy to make non-vegetarian Indian dish served as an accompaniment. There is no about that the sequeiras are seafood lovers, save for one little sequeira who won't have anything to do wish fish. In coastal areas we prefer fish, prawns heavily. In my home we prefer to eat fish and prawns... Almost weekly we eat fish.. Monthly twice eat chicken... I eat chicken also, but I like to eat fish.... :-) 
    Come to dish, its very simple to prepare and tasty recipe. But we have more time to marinate the fish for more taste.. This fish fry some little bit sour and spicy fish fry... Its different combination and different taste.. Its very tasty, you can serve this side dish... You will eat it with sambar, papu, rasam, etc..., Lets see the process to how to make it....

Ingredients :-
  • Fish 1 kg
  • Raw Mango pieces 1/2 cup
  • Green chilies 10
  • Cumin seeds 1 tbsp
  • Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
  • Ginger garlic paste 2 tbsp
  • Coriander leafs 1/2 cup
  • Curd 5 tbsp
  • Coriander powder 1 tbsp
  • Oil 15 tbsp
How to prepare Raw Mango Green Fish Fry

Preparation :-

  1.  First take a jar add ginger garlic paste, green chilies, turmeric powder, coriander leafs, salt, coriander powder, cumin seeds powder ,mango pieces, curd and then grind it fine paste.
  2. Now take a bowl add cleaned fishes, add grind paste and then mix it well. And then put in freezer for marinated the fish for 1 or 2 hours.
  3. When the fish marinated and then move it to out. Now take pan add oil to heat, when oil is heated and now add marinated fish pieces each to fry the fish.
  4. Fry it in medium flame... One side boiled and then turn carefully, now cook it for 5 minutes. (Cook the fish 50% and then again fry it).
  5. After 5 minutes move it to a plate. Same process do like it, and now add  half fried fish pieces again to fry  the fish, fry for crispy.. 
  6. Both sides fried fish and then move it to a paper towel and then serve it... Now the crispy and tasty fish is ready to eat.......
   Now the "Mango fish fry" is ready to eat.. Its spicy and little bit sour.. You can serve it with side dish... Its good to eat lunch time or dinner time... What you like... Its good to eat.. Tyr this taste dish in your home and then seed to me your feed back to friends........


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